Bannerlord has encountered a problem and will close itself.
This is a community Crash Report. Please save it and use it for reporting the error. Do not provide screenshots, provide the report!
Most likely this error was caused by a custom installed module.

If you were in the middle of something, the progress might be lost.

Launcher: vortex (1.13.7)
Runtime: .NET Framework 4.8.9290.0
BLSE Version:

+ Exception

Exception Information:
Type: System.AccessViolationException
Message: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
  1. at int ManagedCallbacks.ScriptingInterfaceOfIMBMission.AddMissile(UIntPtr missionPointer, bool isPrediction, int shooterAgentIndex, in WeaponData weaponData, WeaponStatsData[] weaponStatsData, int weaponStatsDataLength, float damageBonus, ref Vec3 position, ref Vec3 direction, ref Mat3 orientation, float baseSpeed, float speed, bool addRigidBody, UIntPtr entityPointer, int forcedMissileIndex, bool isPrimaryWeaponShot, out UIntPtr missileEntity)
  2. at int TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Mission.AddMissileAux(int forcedMissileIndex, bool isPrediction, Agent shooterAgent, in WeaponData weaponData, WeaponStatsData[] weaponStatsData, float damageBonus, ref Vec3 position, ref Vec3 direction, ref Mat3 orientation, float baseSpeed, float speed, bool addRigidBody, GameEntity gameEntityToIgnore, bool isPrimaryWeaponShot, out GameEntity missileEntity)
  3. at void TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.Mission.OnAgentShootMissile(Agent shooterAgent, EquipmentIndex weaponIndex, Vec3 position, Vec3 velocity, Mat3 orientation, bool hasRigidBody, bool isPrimaryWeaponShot, int forcedMissileIndex)
  4. at void ManagedCallbacks.CoreCallbacksGenerated.Mission_OnAgentShootMissile_Patch2(int thisPointer, int shooterAgent, EquipmentIndex weaponIndex, Vec3 position, Vec3 velocity, Mat3 orientation, bool hasRigidBody, bool isPrimaryWeaponShot, int forcedMissileIndex)

+ Enhanced Stacktrace

+ Involved Modules and Plugins

From Highest Probability to Lowest:

+ Installed Modules

+ Loaded BLSE Plugins

+ Assemblies

+ Harmony Patches

+ Log Files